Below, you can find a list of all beta updates.
This is list of updates on the beta branch. Check out the list of release updates of the game in the stable updates section.
- Beta update – 22 May, 2023 @ 21:57 UTCThe beta branch has been updated: Fixed missing icons/textures on the main menu. Fixed layout for the main menu Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces leaderboard. Fixed the first item in “public lobbies” and “friends playing” not appearing if rd_reduce_motion was set. The game ...
- Beta update – 18 May, 2023 @ 00:35 UTCThe beta branch has been updated with a work-in-progress version of the new main menu layout. The new main menu is not finished, and we are aware of several issues: The Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces leaderboard in the top right ...
- Beta update – 10 May, 2023 @ 20:51 UTCA quick note on some possibly breaking changes (if you have scripts that use internal console commands). If you use cl_loadout, cl_loadouta, or the long versions of cl_selectm, etc. in your personal scripts, I would recommend converting them to the new ...
- Beta update – 10 May, 2023 @ 20:27 UTCThe beta branch has been updated with the following changes: Added rd_loadout_save, rd_loadout_load, and rd_loadout_delete concommands. UI coming later. Fixed plugin/vscript menus timing out after 5 seconds even if the requested timeout was longer. Marine skills and skill point values are now convars, ...
- Beta update – 9 May, 2023 @ 04:40 UTCThe beta branch has been updated with the following changes: Servers can no longer run commands on clients. This is a fairly major change. Let me know if this breaks anything. A bunch of inventory backend stuff. None of it should be ...
- Beta update – 6 May, 2023 @ 00:07 UTCThe beta branch has been updated with the following changes: Fixed some xenomite sounds not playing due to incorrect sample rates. (Feedback on these would be appreciated.) rd_reduce_motion now also turns off briefing cameras. rd_disable_briefing_camera also does this if you just want ...
- Beta update – 30 Apr, 2023 @ 01:11 UTCThe beta and releasecandidate branches have been updated with the content we expect to release on May 1: Accident 32: Confined Facility and J5 Connector: Reduced networking overhead from minecarts. Tilarus-5: Yanaurus Mine: Fixed scripted doors not visually falling. v45 Electric Charged Armor: ...
- Beta update – 24 Apr, 2023 @ 19:24 UTCThe releasecandidate branch has been updated with the following changes: Fixed door models used in Yanaurus Mine not visually falling. Updated how rifles and the M42 Vindicator play their alternate fire sounds. Fixed dedicated servers not displaying medals in lobbies. Removed consistency check for ...
- Beta update – 18 Apr, 2023 @ 22:19 UTCParanoia: Crucial Point: Fixed ending music not playing due to duplicated asw_gamerules. Updated weapon models to fix collision meshes causing rolling and add animations.
- Beta update – 15 Apr, 2023 @ 20:47 UTCReduced video memory usage of inventory icons by about two-thirds. Improved rendering in lobby layout mods that make the medal icons larger or smaller. rd_player_bots_allowed is no longer a cheat. Spawning an objective after the map loads will recalculate the objective list. Grubs ...