Tactical, 8 player co-op action game with a top-down perspective
Update – October 10th, 2017
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Fixed asw_broadcast_camera. It no longer crashes all clients when it is disabled. Added a spawnflag for disabling player HUD. Players switch to first person mode while the camera is active.
Fixed Grenade Launcher’s grenade doesn’t have smoke trail.
Added rd_pistols_min_delay cvar. If set to more than 0 will set the delay between each shot of Twin Pistols in seconds. 0.1 recommended, 0 is default.
Set rd_pistols_min_delay 0.1 for Level One challenge and PvP game modes
Allow setting alien orders via vscript. Added ClearOrders, OrderMoveTo, ChaseNearestMarine VSCRIPT functions for aliens and buzzers.
Allow vscripts to spawn grenade clusters. Added VSCRIPT function CreateGrenadeCluster(float flDamage, float flRadius, int iClusters, Vector position, Vector angles, Vector velocity, Vector angVelocity)
Allow attaching vscripts to aliens spawned by a spawner
Fixed speaker configuration is reset after game restart
Removed mapspawn.nut script file
Add rd_download_workshop_previews cvar. If set to 0 game will not download preview images for workshop add-ons during game startup which can increase performance in main menu if client is subscribed to lots of add-ons or uploaded lots of add-ons to Steam Workshop.
Fixed ammo satchel refusing to deploy ammo if there is a ceiling
Fixed deployed ammo not moving with elevators
Exposed CASW_Marine::IsInhabited and CASW_Marine::GetCommander to vscript
Fixed grenades doesn’t have a smoke trail. Assault Rifle’s grenade, Freeze Grenades, Hand Grenades didn’t have a smoke trail on many maps because of incorrect initialization. Also fixed Prototype Rifle’s grenade not having its electro effect.
Fixed a few out of bounds areas in Timor Station.
Added rd_increase_difficulty_by_number_of_marines cvar. Difficulty will be slightly increased for 5+ marines. This means alien speed, damage and health will be slightly increased.
Added rd_leaderboard_by_difficulty cvar. If enabled(by default) will display leaderboard for current difficulty level rather than mixing all difficulties in one. Stats website now also have this functionality enabled.
Fixed leaderboard stats are uploaded when watching demo
Fixed sv_maxrate is adjusted if it is set to 0. Since 0 means unlimited we don’t want to adjust it to 60000 in this case when rd_adjust_sv_maxrate is set to 1.
Fixed a few out of bounds areas on Desert Outpost.