Tactical, 8 player co-op action game with a top-down perspective
Beta update – 18 May, 2019 @ 17:03 UTC
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Prevent displaying of computer interface if asw_simple_hacking 1
Computer hacks, such as the computer at the end of Landing Bay, will
no longer show a UI for hacking if asw_simple_hacking is set to 1. By element109.
Suppress weapon stats missing message
When setting “rd_weapons_show_hidden 1â messages display in
console just changed to DevMsg. By element109.
Add new VScript Functions
void TakeDamageParams( handle inflictor, handle attacker, handle weapon, Vector vecDmgForce, Vector vecDmgPosition, float amount, int dmgType ) //Causes the entity to take damage with additional parameters
int GetAttachmentBone( int id ) //Gets the bone for an attachment
int GetBodygroup( int group ) //Get the bodygroup
string GetBodygroupName( int group ) //Get the name of the bodygroup
string GetBodygroupPartName( int group, int part ) //Get the part name of the bodygroup
Vector GetBoneAngles( int bone_id ) //Get the bone id’s angles
Vector GetBoneOrigin( int bone_id ) //Get the bone id’s origin vector
float GetModelScale() //Get scale of entity’s model
int GetSequence() //Get the active sequence
string GetSequenceActivityName( int sequence_id ) //Get the activity name of the sequence
float GetSequenceDuration( int sequence_id ) //Returns the duration in seconds of the passed sequence
string GetSequenceName( int sequence_id ) //Returns the name of the sequence
int LookupActivity( string name ) //Get the named activity id
int LookupBone( string name ) //Get the named bone id
int LookupSequence( string name ) //Get the named sequence id
void ResetSequence( int sequence_id ) //Sets the active sequence, resetting the current cycle
void SetModelScale( float scale, float changeDuration ) //Sets the model’s scale with change duration
float SetPoseParameter( string name, float value ) //Set the specified pose parameter to the specified value
void SetSequence( int sequence_id ) //Sets the active sequence, keeping the current cycle
void StopAnimation() //Stop the current animation by setting playback rate to 0.0
bool SwitchWeapon( int slot ) //Make the marine switch to a weapon
void Disable() //Disable the trigger
void Enable() //Enable the trigger
bool IsTouching( handle entity ) //Checks whether the passed entity is touching the trigger
void ChangeLevel( string mapname ) //Tell engine to change level
string GetClientXUID( handle player ) //Get the player’s xuid (i.e. SteamID64)
void GetPlayerConnectionInfo( handle player, table ) //Returns a table containing the player’s connection info
bool IsModelPrecached( string modelname ) //Checks if the modelname is precached
void ScreenFade( handle player, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, float fadeTime, float fadeHold, int flags ) //Start a screenfade with the following parameters
void ScreenShake( Vector vecCenter, float flAmplitude, float flFrequency, float flDuration, float flRadius, int eCommand, bool bAirShake ) //Start a screenshake with the following parameters
Updated ClientPrint(): If you pass null instead of a valid player handle, it will now send the message to all clients.
int GetNumElements( handle entity, string outputName ) //Returns the number of array elements
void GetOutputTable( handle entity, string outputName, table, int arrayElement ) //Returns a table of output information
bool HasAction( handle entity, string outputName ) //Returns true if an action exists for the output
bool HasOutput( handle entity, string outputName ) //Returns true if the output exists
Computer hacks, such as the computer at the end of Landing Bay, will
no longer show a UI for hacking if asw_simple_hacking is set to 1. By element109.
Suppress weapon stats missing message
When setting “rd_weapons_show_hidden 1â messages display in
console just changed to DevMsg. By element109.
Add new VScript Functions
void TakeDamageParams( handle inflictor, handle attacker, handle weapon, Vector vecDmgForce, Vector vecDmgPosition, float amount, int dmgType ) //Causes the entity to take damage with additional parameters
int GetAttachmentBone( int id ) //Gets the bone for an attachment
int GetBodygroup( int group ) //Get the bodygroup
string GetBodygroupName( int group ) //Get the name of the bodygroup
string GetBodygroupPartName( int group, int part ) //Get the part name of the bodygroup
Vector GetBoneAngles( int bone_id ) //Get the bone id’s angles
Vector GetBoneOrigin( int bone_id ) //Get the bone id’s origin vector
float GetModelScale() //Get scale of entity’s model
int GetSequence() //Get the active sequence
string GetSequenceActivityName( int sequence_id ) //Get the activity name of the sequence
float GetSequenceDuration( int sequence_id ) //Returns the duration in seconds of the passed sequence
string GetSequenceName( int sequence_id ) //Returns the name of the sequence
int LookupActivity( string name ) //Get the named activity id
int LookupBone( string name ) //Get the named bone id
int LookupSequence( string name ) //Get the named sequence id
void ResetSequence( int sequence_id ) //Sets the active sequence, resetting the current cycle
void SetModelScale( float scale, float changeDuration ) //Sets the model’s scale with change duration
float SetPoseParameter( string name, float value ) //Set the specified pose parameter to the specified value
void SetSequence( int sequence_id ) //Sets the active sequence, keeping the current cycle
void StopAnimation() //Stop the current animation by setting playback rate to 0.0
bool SwitchWeapon( int slot ) //Make the marine switch to a weapon
void Disable() //Disable the trigger
void Enable() //Enable the trigger
bool IsTouching( handle entity ) //Checks whether the passed entity is touching the trigger
void ChangeLevel( string mapname ) //Tell engine to change level
void FadeClientVolume( handle player, float fadePercent, float fadeOutSeconds, float holdTime, float fadeInSeconds ) //Fade out the client’s volume level toward silence (or fadePercent)
string GetClientXUID( handle player ) //Get the player’s xuid (i.e. SteamID64)
void GetPlayerConnectionInfo( handle player, table ) //Returns a table containing the player’s connection info
bool IsModelPrecached( string modelname ) //Checks if the modelname is precached
void ScreenFade( handle player, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, float fadeTime, float fadeHold, int flags ) //Start a screenfade with the following parameters
void ScreenShake( Vector vecCenter, float flAmplitude, float flFrequency, float flDuration, float flRadius, int eCommand, bool bAirShake ) //Start a screenshake with the following parameters
Updated ClientPrint(): If you pass null instead of a valid player handle, it will now send the message to all clients.
int GetNumElements( handle entity, string outputName ) //Returns the number of array elements
void GetOutputTable( handle entity, string outputName, table, int arrayElement ) //Returns a table of output information
bool HasAction( handle entity, string outputName ) //Returns true if an action exists for the output
bool HasOutput( handle entity, string outputName ) //Returns true if the output exists