Tactical, 8 player co-op action game with a top-down perspective
Beta update – 15 Sep, 2023 @ 00:44 UTC
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The releasecandidate branch has been updated. A release is scheduled for September 18th, 2023 with the following changes:
Here are some fixes for recently-reported bugs and a few map and workshop improvements.
IAF HAS42 Devastator: Increased firing sound volume for the player firing the weapon.
Fixed end-of-mission stat graph lines being unexpectedly far apart in some cases. (Thanks SJAS)
Updated how the Mission Complete screen is rendered to allow supporting more languages.
Addons with an autoexec file are now listed on the workshop under the “Config” tag.
Going forward, uploading addons with config files in them to the workshop will be limited to autoexec_[addon ID].cfg to avoid collisions between different addons and between addons and user files.
Fixed an issue that caused the “help” command to limit descriptions to 80 characters. (Thanks ustcywg and Zero)
Fixed Bastille only playing one of his two death sounds. (Thanks Beka and krtek2k)
Fixed a bug where sv_memlimit would sometimes fail to exit. (Thanks Mithrand)
Fixed the asw_jeep entity being unintentionally disabled. (Thanks jhheight)
Tears for Tarnor: Insertion Point
Changed how some invisible walls are defined to allow drones to jump over certain rocks but not through cave walls.
Increased the height of some invisible walls intended to keep players from being thrown out of the playable space by shieldbugs. (Thanks kubaaa015)
Reduced lighting complexity for areas far from the playable space.
Accident 32: Lab Ruins
Changed some materials in the starting area.
Fixed being able to hear the boss doors closing when the mission starts.
The sewer now deals damage over time instead of killing instantly.
Added ladders to allow climbing out of the sewer.
Added stairs to the area where the harvester spawns in the beginning.
Added an area to the west of the big bridge with additional supplies.
An ammo stash on the main path has been reduced from 100% full to 60% full to encourage seeking optional supply areas.