Below, you find a list of release updates.
For updates, that are currently in testing, check the items on the beta updates page.
- Patch for Networking Bandwidth RatesNetworking Fix game stutter related to insufficient networking bandwidth rates for 8 slot servers. For 8 slot servers net_splitpacket_maxrate will be automatically increased to 30000(default is 15000). This applies to both listen and dedicated servers. rd_adjust_sv_maxrate 0 can be used ...
- HotfixFixed not all network bandwidth menu items can be selected with mouse Disabled asw_mission_complete console command Fixed Multiplayer menu item is not renamed in the in-game menu Improved Operation Cleansweep: U.S.C. Medusa map. Added a button to call first elevator bottom Clipped lots ...
- Update ReleasedThis update addresses networking issues when hosting 8 slot lobby. Adds tutorial TRAINING and GUI to turn off the death camera rotation. Orion’s Threat achievements. Networking Double the bandwidth from listen server to clients for an 8 slot game. When hosting ...
- Hotfix2017-04-22 Fixed a rare crash on opening the Find Public Games window with all filters set to Any