Beta update – 18 Jun, 2019 @ 19:57 UTC

Improve npc_antlion implementation

Implement npc_antlion_worker

Add npc_antlion and npc_antlion_worker into spawn manager

Fix npc_antlion prints errors in console and doesn’t unborrow properly

Implement zombie NPCs
Current Issue: Killing an npc_poisonzombie will crash the game.

Add timer_system.nut VScript file
This is a library that manages timers.

Here’s an example:

// Include Timer System
IncludeScript( “timer_system” );

function StopHoldout( args )

function StartHoldout( args )

// Stop holdout 30 seconds after starting
Timers.AddTimerByName( “EndHoldoutTimer”, 30.0, false, g_ModeScript.StopHoldout );

function OnGameplayStart()
// Start holdout 10 seconds after spawning
Timers.AddTimerByName( “BeginHoldoutTimer”, 10.0, false, g_ModeScript.StartHoldout );