Update – July 22, 2021


  • Fix two stuck points on TimorStation
  • Fix stuck point on StorageFacility
  • Add back units for marines on DesertOutpost
  • Fix bright decal on bonus_mission3
  • Remove clip brush on RoadToDawn, add pallet bridge to exit stuck area
  • Fix nodegraph and stuck point on LandingBay
  • Improve nodegraph on Rydberg
  • Mark asw_marine_rolls and some others as cheat cvar
  • Fix addonlist_workshop.txt gets reset if Steam cloud is disabled
  • Add support for negative firesource damage
  • Allow enabling the asw_broadcast_camera for specified player index. This commit adds EnableForPlayerIndex(integer) input for asw_broadcast_camera. Player index can be obtained by using !activator which is hMarine in the code below: local playerindex = hMarine.GetCommander().GetPlayerUserID().tointeger() – 1;
  • Fix multiple marine resources could be inhabited by the same player. This caused bugs in code that assumes that only one marine resource can be inhabited by a player.
  • Fix drone warping through marines on ASBI. Warping through marines happened with asw_drone_acceleration 10.
  • Restore higher drone acceleration for ASBI challenge
  • Add rd_horde_from_exit ConVar. If set to 0 hordes and wanderers cannot spawn in map exit zone. 1 by default.
  • Make baits invisible when sentry is deployed.
  • Make rd_slowmo non-cheat ConVar
  • Make shaman emit pain and death sounds(silent by default). These sounds can be implemented by workshop addons currently.
  • Add rd_grub_health ConVar. Also fix an issue that grubs are not instantly squashed by marines stepping on them.
  • Add rd_shaman_healing_speed ConVar. Number of health shaman gives per second. 0 means old behavior, shaman heals ~40% of max health in 1 second. 0 by default.
  • Add rd_console_debug_xp ConVar to toggle xp messages in console
  • Add vscript function TraceLineTable like L4D2. See https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_L4D2_Script_Functions/TraceLine Signature : void TraceLineTable(table)
  • Add rd_medgun_medkit_refill_amount ConVar. If set to value greater that 0 then healgun will be refilled when medkit is picked up. Prevents heal guns from being destroyed on empty
  • Allow ASBI RNG3 and ASBI Turbo in leaderboards
  • Add garagedoor_open_twosided.mdl
  • Fix tft2AbandonedMaintenance has a gray wall instead of entrance
  • Add marine_anims.mdl. This can be used as a base for marine animations.
  • Update femalemarine.mdl to fix issue with hand animations
  • Update CNetPropManager for VScript
    – Fixed being able to access out-of-memory data when searching for props.
    – Added an optional method to search only the SendTable or DataMap for a prop. Example: “SendTable.<propname>” or “DataMap.<propname>”
    – Added support for accessing props inside an array.
    – Updated GetPropType to return “bool” or “instance” instead of only returning “integer” for boolean and EHandle props.
    – Added the following new script functions:
    GetPropBool( entity, propertyName )
    GetPropBoolArray( entity, propertyName, arrayElement )
    SetPropBool( entity, propertyName )
    SetPropBoolArray( entity, propertyName, value, arrayElement )
    GetPropInfo( entity, propertyName, arrayElement, table ) //Fills in a passed table with property info for the provided entity
    GetTable( entity, iPropType, table ) //Fills in a passed table with all props of a specified type for the provided entity (set iPropType to 0 for SendTable or 1 for DataMap)
  • Update CScriptEntityOutputs for VScript
    – Added the following new script functions:
    AddOutput( entity, outputName, targetName, inputName, parameter, delay, timesToFire )
    RemoveOutput( entity, outputName, targetName, inputName, parameter )
  • Add backpacks to marine bodies and make some trees non-solid on ForestEntrance
  • Fix issues with res4mines. Prevent queen from getting stuck.