Beta update – 27 Aug, 2022 @ 02:25 UTC Posted on August 27, 2022February 8, 2023 Campaigns Research 7: Illyn Forest: Fixed generator being targetable by marine bots. Paranoia: Crucial Point: Fixed satellite dish being targetable by marine bots. Translations Updated Chinese translation. Updated German translation. Updated Japanese translation. Updated Russian translation. Misc Fixed a crash at startup if the PATH environment variable was very long. Mapping npc_bullseye now inherits AI relationships from its faction and is not an enemy of all by default. ai_relationship now delays applying its effect to gameplay start rather than map spawn. VScript Add the PlayerVoiceListener class to VScript with access to the following functions. PlayerVoiceListener bool IsPlayerSpeaking( int nPlayerIndex ) Returns whether the player specified is speaking. float GetPlayerSpeechDuration( int nPlayerIndex ) Returns the number of seconds the player has been continuously speaking.
Returns whether the player specified is speaking.
Returns the number of seconds the player has been continuously speaking.