Beta update – 26 Aug, 2023 @ 22:05 UTC Posted on August 26, 2023May 6, 2024 The releasecandidate branch has been updated. A release is scheduled for September 1st with the following changes: Fixed the previous user’s workshop addon list being loaded on the first game launch after switching Steam accounts. Fixed controller icons in hints rendering incorrectly for non-XInput controllers. Reduced volume of some frequently played sound effects. Fixed an issue that caused some dedicated servers to not update their Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces configuration data. Fixed a generator model being rotated 90 degrees. (For real this time!) Fixed F9 menu showing incorrect text for how many players have voted yes during a map vote. Made railgun do 30 more damage (75->105). Now it kills a drone in one shot on brutal difficulty on any marine. Paranoia: Crucial Point: Fixed drones refusing to climb upwards in the last holdout. Accident 32: J5 Connector: Fixed drone pathing in the last holdout. Accident 32: J5 Connector: Added a ladder to the sewer area and removed the kill trigger.