Beta update – 2 Apr, 2023 @ 02:48 UTC

  • Jacob’s Rest: Timor Station: Invisible harvesters no longer deal damage.
  • Operation Cleansweep: U.S.C. Medusa: Fixed aliens spawning under elevators. Characters now take damage from standing under the generator elevator.
  • Added four bonus missions based on reversed Jacob’s Rest objectives.
  • IAF Medical Gun: Primary fire will self-target if the cursor target is not valid for healing.
  • IAF Medical Amplifier Gun: Primary fire will self-target if the cursor target is not valid for healing.
  • 22A5 Heavy Assault Rifle: Added particle effect and new sounds for charge.
  • IAF Medical SMG: Secondary fire will self-target if the cursor target is not valid for healing.
  • Added models and sounds for equipping Hornet Barrage, Flashlight Attachment, MTD6 Smart Bomb, Displacement ‘Blink’ Pack, and Short Range Assault Jets.
  • Re-enabled fear behavior for Menders. Fixed Menders getting stuck in a fear state if they are close together.
  • Mender healing now puts out fires, and they will prioritize doing so over healing other targets. Configurable with asw_mender_heal_biomass and asw_mender_prioritize_fire.
  • Fixed “exiting slow motion” sound effect when loading into a Deathmatch map at the start of a session.
  • Challenges and non-Deathmatch maps can create additional asw_challenge_thinker entities.
  • Fixed controller navigation on achievement list not being able to go past a certain point.
  • Aiming with the right stick on a controller causes marines to crouch or walk slowly, so that controller players can access this functionality. Can be configured with joy_autowalk and joy_autowalk_threshold.
  • Fixed player flyout menu being accessible for empty lobby slots.
  • Moved score from the objective HUD (top left) to the counter HUD (middle right). Attempted fix for counter HUD being incorrectly positioned for outdated HUD layout addons.
  • Added point_asw_fade_proxy and trigger_asw_fade_proxy.
  • The Short Controlled Bursts achievement can now only be obtained if you finish the mission alive.