Tactical, 8 player co-op action game with a top-down perspective
Beta update – 19 May, 2019 @ 00:11 UTC
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Add Wake() VScript function for CASW_Alien and CASW_Buzzer
void Wake( bool bFireOutput ) //Wake up the alien, with option to fire output
void Wake( bool bFireOutput ) //Wake up the buzzer, with option to fire output
To check if alien is asleep use this code snippet:
local alien = Entities.FindByClassname( null, “asw_alien” );
local sleepState = NetProps.GetPropInt( alien, “m_SleepState” );
if ( sleepState > 0 )
//do stuff
Fix horde positions are blocked by player clip brushes
void Wake( bool bFireOutput ) //Wake up the alien, with option to fire output
void Wake( bool bFireOutput ) //Wake up the buzzer, with option to fire output
To check if alien is asleep use this code snippet:
local alien = Entities.FindByClassname( null, “asw_alien” );
local sleepState = NetProps.GetPropInt( alien, “m_SleepState” );
if ( sleepState > 0 )
//do stuff
Fix horde positions are blocked by player clip brushes