Tactical, 8 player co-op action game with a top-down perspective
Beta update – 17 Jan, 2022 @ 02:43 UTC
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This list of changes includes everything since the last public build (July 2021). If all goes well, this beta will become a public release in one week (23rd January 2022).
Map Changes
Fixed a navigation issue near an optional supply room in Rydberg.
The fire extinguisher near the end of Rydberg now uses the new temporary pickup mechanic.
Fixed the stats option in briefing going to an obsolete website.
Fixed stats not being recorded for the 22A5 Heavy Assault Rifle, IAF Medical SMG, and TG-05 Gas Grenades.
Kicking a lobby’s original leader no longer prevents them from creating lobbies for 5 minutes.
The lobby creation UI will remember whether the last lobby you created was public or friends-only.
Fixed a delay when restarting the mission if a player disconnected during the vote.
The “Take a Break” option on the ESC menu is now disabled if the server doesn’t allow it to be used.
Dedicated Server
Added rd_adjust_mod_dont_load_vertices, which sets mod_dont_load_vertices on dedicated servers. This prevents the dedicated server from loading the vertices for models, reducing memory usage.
Enabled the rm_welcome_message and rm_welcome_message_delay cvars.
The server now performs a cleaner shutdown when rd_server_shutdown_after_num_secs is set.
Fixed the 64 FPS server limit on Windows 10 build 2004 and newer.
Fixed physics simulation issues when the tick rate is changed from the default.
Dedicated servers now update workshop items asynchronously at startup.
Fixed the heal beacon’s first heal reading uninitialized memory.
Fixed a sentry duplication exploit.
The game instructor will no longer suggest interacting with disabled button and computer areas.
Fix computers that have just been hacked not allowing options other than download data and remote turrets to be selected until the user logs out.
Added rd_prediction_strategy. Set this cvar to 1 to test the new prediction error handling, which works better on moving platforms but may be buggy.
Bot marines can now use the secondary fire on the IAF Medical SMG.
Added rd_biomass_damage_from_explosions for challenges; if set to 1 then biomass will take full damage from explosions.
asw_marine_friction, asw_marine_gravity, and asw_sv_maxspeed are now cheat cvars.
Fixed some cases where the game would try to write to the files of an unpacked addon rather than its own base directory.
If no env_tonemap_controller exists on the level, one will be automatically created and sent the input SetBloomScale 0.25.
The director will only warn once about a level not having a nodegraph.
Fixed escape chatter happening early if the escape objective was not last on the list.
Explicitly failing an optional objective no longer fails the mission.
Modding / SDK
Weapons can be set as “temporary”, which makes them use a new weapon slot and forces them to be dropped instead of stowed.
Added rd_weapon_generic_object, which can be used for generic carryable objects.
Added rd_tilegen_instance for further randomization of tilegen tiles.
Added trigger_asw_marine_melee for detecting a melee attack aimed at a target.
Reorganized trigger_asw_computer_area to put related fields closer together in Hammer.
Up to 3 cameras and remote turrets can be assigned to a trigger_asw_computer_area. The computer UI still has a limit of 6 options on the menu.
Fixed trigger_asw_door_area not using its Start Disabled field.
Added a field to trigger_asw_button_area that allows mappers to require a button be held down for an amount of time.
Added “Can Player Weld” to asw_door.
Added an Extinguish input to asw_alien_goo.
Added ResetMarineIntensity and SpawnHordeSoon inputs to asw_director_control.
Added OnStartedUsing and OnStoppedUsing outputs to asw_remote_turret.
Added outputs for failed fast hacks to trigger_asw_button_area and trigger_asw_computer_area.
Corrected the skins for many pickups in Hammer.
VRAD now runs with an automatic number of threads by default (previously 4).
Added several VScript functions to CDirector.
Added support for multi-layer minimaps.
Added a JumpUp VScript function for asw_parasite.
CDirector VScript Functions
void SpawnHordeSoon() – Queue a horde to spawn soon (the same logic as when a hack starts)
float GetTimeToNextHorde() – Get the current number of seconds until the director will try to spawn a horde
void SetTimeToNextHorde(float seconds) – Force the horde countdown timer to be set to this number of seconds
Vector FindHordePosition(bool north) – Get a random position where a horde can spawn (returns null on fail)
int IsSpawningHorde() – Get the number of aliens remaining to spawn in the current horde
Multi-Layer Minimaps
The AS:RD version works similarly to the CS:GO version, apart from the following changes:
The “default” section can be omitted and the previously-existing “material” field is used for any space that does not have a vertical section assigned to it.
Instead of “lower” and “higher” in the example being part of the material name, they are the entire material name.
If an altitude value is omitted, it takes the largest value (positive or negative) that a coordinate can have in Hammer.
Implementation details:
The altitude values correspond to the position of the player’s feet.
There is a maximum of 64 “slices”, which can be from 32 to 64 actual layers depending on whether the max matches the next one’s min.
This does NOT affect the briefing or ingamebriefing maps, only the minimap.
when a hack starts)
director will try to spawn a horde
to be set to this number of seconds
horde can spawn (returns null on fail)
the current horde
The AS:RD version works similarly to the CS:GO version, apart from the following changes:
Implementation details: