Beta update – 11 Jun, 2023 @ 22:44 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • Reduced the file size and memory usage of inventory item icons.
  • Reduced the file size and memory usage of textures used by the new main menu layout.
  • Glowing buttons on the main menu now fade rather than immediately becoming fully bright.
  • Multiple glows on the main menu can now combine.
  • Added the ForcePickUp and ForceDrop inputs and OnPickedUp and OnDropped outputs from rd_weapon_generic_object to all other weapons.
  • Fixed the main menu news ticker resetting or sliding weirdly when changing screens.
  • Reduced the default verbosity of inventory logging.
  • Fixed the health bar from asw_queen appearing during briefing or debriefing.
  • The country listed on leaderboard entries can be modified by adding rd_represented_country to autoexec.cfg.

Known issues:

  • On the top menu bar, Settings, Loadouts, and Contracts are currently non-functional.
  • Attempting to view a player profile from the main menu currently does not work.
  • Controller input may not work in the beta branch.
  • The dedicated server browser and Steam group server list are not accessible from the main menu (use the openserverbrowser console command).