Beta update – 10 May, 2023 @ 20:51 UTC

A quick note on some possibly breaking changes (if you have scripts that use internal console commands).

If you use cl_loadout, cl_loadouta, or the long versions of cl_selectm, etc. in your personal scripts, I would recommend converting them to the new saved loadout system.

Otherwise, be warned that you’ll need to add some -1’s to your commands to make them keep working:

cl_loadout [0-7, marine profile] [0-2, inventory slot] [weapon id] -1
cl_loadouta [0-7, marine profile] -1 [primary weapon id] [secondary weapon id] [extra weapon id] -1 -1 -1
cl_selectm [0-7, marine profile] -1 [primary weapon id] [secondary weapon id] [extra weapon id] -1 -1 -1

If you use the short version of cl_selectm (without weapon IDs) in your script, you don’t have to change anything.

Additionally, cl_autoreload has been removed; use asw_auto_reload directly instead.