Tactical, 8 player co-op action game with a top-down perspective
Beta update – 24 Aug, 2022 @ 22:36 UTC
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Paranoia: Crucial Point: Reworked the final encounter. Marines must now defend a generator. If the generator is damaged, it will stop the completion progress until fixed by a tech. If no marine is near the generator, it will take additional damage.
Added Queen sound effects from the City 17 campaign.
Fixed piercing chance calculation for bullets that went through a door or other non-living object. (A 200% chance, 290% chance, and 300% chance now all become 100% chance of piercing another target rather than 0%, 90%, and 0%.)
Updated Chinese translation.
Updated German translation.
Updated Italian translation.
Updated Japanese translation.
Updated Russian translation.
Fixed non-Workshop addons acting as if they were disabled in the mission chooser.
Fixed npc_bullseye failing to compile due to a key being too long.
Added new VScript class TempEnts which allows creating Temporary Entities on clients.
Added new global VScript functions to use when creating Temporary Entities.
Queue a temp entity for transmission on a client from a passed table of SendProp data. Passing null for a player will playback Temp Entity on all clients.
void GetPropTypes( string name, table )
Fills in a passed table with all SendProps and their types for the temp entity
void GetNames( table )
Fills in a passed table with the names of all temp entities
int PrecacheParticleSystem( string name )
Precaches a particle material
int GetParticleSystemIndex( string name )
Converts a previously precached material into an index
string GetParticleSystemNameFromIndex( int index )
Converts a previously precached material index into a string
void PrecacheEffect( string name )
Precaches an effect
int GetEffectIndex( const char *name )
Converts a previously precached effect into an index
string GetEffectNameFromIndex( int index )
Converts a previously precached effect index into a string
Queue a temp entity for transmission on a client from a passed table of SendProp data.
Passing null for a player will playback Temp Entity on all clients.
Fills in a passed table with all SendProps and their types for the temp entity
Fills in a passed table with the names of all temp entities
Precaches a particle material
Converts a previously precached material into an index
Converts a previously precached material index into a string
Precaches an effect
Converts a previously precached effect into an index
Converts a previously precached effect index into a string
Get decal index from a string