Update – March 11, 2023

We’re still preparing for the big celebration of Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop’s birthday on April 20th, but in the meantime, there are some bugs that need fixes sooner rather than later. There will be more fixes in a few weeks, but for now, here are the changes:

  • Fixed several crashes.
  • Added medals for completing the Outstanding Execution achievements for each campaign.
  • Added the ability to donate $1 to the author of an official campaign. Currently, there are 3 campaigns on the list. We will add more campaigns to this system as soon as we are able to contact their authors.
  • Added support for SourceMod plugins that display a menu.
  • Fixed func_rd_no_director_aliens not setting its model on spawn.
  • Fixed the left bumper / L1 button on some controllers getting stuck or not working.
  • Fixed players who are not in a lobby being displayed as “playing a different version”.
  • Fixed stats not being recorded for workshop missions that are not part of a campaign.
  • Fixed mapper-placed decals duplicating on every instant restart.
  • Fixed NPC character portraits remaining active after an instant restart.
  • Fixed the workshop uploader not correctly recording campaign, mission, and challenge titles.