Beta update – 7 Nov, 2024 @ 18:52 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following change:

  • M868 Flamer Unit: Adjusted friendly fire damage handling:
    • Hardcore friendly fire is unchanged.
    • Friendly fire now once again ignites immediately on normal friendly fire.
    • Damage scales up linearly during the burn duration rather than slower at the start and faster at the end.
    • Burn time is the lower of these two formulas:
      • The default burn time multiplied by the friendly fire damage scale. (This moves between 0% and 100% depending on how much friendly fire is being done in a short time period.)
      • The default burn time minus 5 seconds (asw_marine_burn_time_since_last_ff_scale) for each second that has passed since the previous friendly fire incident.
    • Minimum burn time is 18.75% (asw_marine_burn_time_min_fraction) of default burn time. With default game rules, this means minimum burn time is: Easy: 1.125s, Normal: 1.5s, Hard: 2.25s, Insane and Brutal: a little over 2.8s