Beta update – 5 Apr, 2023 @ 17:48 UTC

  • Fixed grenade box (hand grenades, freeze grenades, gas grenades) falling to the ground weirdly.
  • Fixed marines doing the “time to leave” shout on missions with only an escape objective when a marine dies.
  • Headcrab melee damage now scales with difficulty. Old: 5. New: 3/5/7/10/13.
  • Antlion worker spit damage now scales with difficulty. Old: 20. New: 6/10/14/20/26.
  • Queen grab damage now scales with difficulty. Old: 1. New: 0.6/1.0/1.4/2.0/2.6.
  • Ranger spit damage now scales with difficulty. Old: 12. New: 3.6/6/8.4/12/15.6.
  • Combine soldier health now scales with difficulty. Old: 50. New: 30/50/70/100/130.
  • Combine elite health now scales with difficulty. Old: 70. New: 42/70/98/140/182.
  • Combine soldier shove damage now scales with difficulty. Old: 10. New: 6/10/14/20/26.
  • Combine elite shove damage now scales with difficulty. Old: 15. New: 9/15/21/30/39.
  • Antlion guard/guardian shove damage now scales with difficulty. Old: 23. New: 6/10/14/20/26.
  • Antlion guard/guardian charge damage now scales with difficulty. Old: 23. New: 12/20/28/40/52.
  • Added convar rd_antlionguardian_poison, for challenges to enable the Half-Life 2: Episode Two poison damage behavior for antlion guardians.