Beta update – 4 Oct, 2023 @ 23:53 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • Fixed color selectors on the options menu sometimes taking two clicks to open.
  • Added an indicator to the log message for friendly fire if the marine was infested.
  • Increased the maximum displayed marine health from 511 to 8191.
  • Color-coding is only used for names in the world if they are showing both the marine and the player name, to avoid losing the indication of which marine is active.
  • Changing a marine’s team using VScript or entity inputs now also changes the team of their marine resource, and vice versa.
  • Fixed doubled controller inputs on menus.
  • Experimental: Dedicated servers will now exit at the end of the mission if a game update is available. This technique is also in use for sv_memlimit.
  • Fixed 22A3-1 Assault Rifle, 22A7-Z Prototype Assault Rifle, M42 Vindicator, and 22A4-2 Combat Rifle alternate fire sounds not being properly affected by distance.
  • Added ConVar rd_chainsaw_idle_sound for challenges to disable the rumbling sound that chainsaws make while idle.
  • Added animations for firing the IAF Tesla Cannon, Mining Laser, or IAF Medical SMG.