The beta and releasecandidate branches have been updated with the content we expect to release on May 1:
- Accident 32: Confined Facility and J5 Connector: Reduced networking overhead from minecarts.
- Tilarus-5: Yanaurus Mine: Fixed scripted doors not visually falling.
- v45 Electric Charged Armor: Improved visibility of this gear. No longer disappears immediately when using last charge (similar to Assault Jets).
- AVK-36 Marksman Rifle: Fixed zooming causing auto-reload to become disabled.
- PS50 Bulldog: Fixed this weapon using visual effects meant for dual weapons.
- Menders no longer heal biomass when it is on fire.
- Fixed a crash when starting a mission without a key bound to “use offhand item”.
- Fixed medals not appearing in lobbies hosted on dedicated servers.
- Weapons with aiming improved by crouching now work on moving platforms. Fixed stationary marines being detected as moving due to rounding errors.
- Fixed lighting issues with marine gear in areas with complex shadows.
- The 8th marine is no longer hidden on the HUD for certain values of asw_hud_scale.
- Fixed marine bots aiming throwable items at the player’s crosshair even if it had moved since the command was given.
- Uber drones now use the model set for them in Hammer.
- Improved gib positioning for marines and sentries.