Beta update – 20 Sep, 2023 @ 01:51 UTC

The following changes have been made on the beta branch:

  • Added an advanced setting to hide your stats on the Reactive Drop Stats website.
  • Added strings for options in both tabs of the settings menu.
  • Added asw_filter_incapacitated, to allow triggers to target marines who are down in challenges that allow reviving.
  • Fixed a bug in rd_hud_vscript that would make some warning messages crash the client.
  • Added an option to asw_jukebox to make it not play a new custom combat music track if one is already playing, intended for multi-part combat encounter songs.
  • Fixed a possible server crash when workshop addon updates completed during a level change.
  • Some screen shakes in Cargo Elevator, Timor Station, Wastelands, Crucial Point, and Illyn Forest now apply in reduced screen shake mode.