Beta update – 20 May, 2022 @ 02:21 UTC

The beta has been updated with the additional changes:

  • Fixed the scrollbar in the new mission chooser becoming very tall if it was not needed to access the whole mission list.
  • Controller input is enabled by default (this only affects new players who have not changed any settings before; enable or disable controller input on the controller options menu).
  • Added two new settings, “Aim to Movement” and “Auto Attack” to the controller options menu.
  • The end-of-mission stats screen now supports more than 8 players for deathmatch mode.
  • Added a score history to the end-of-mission stats screen for missions that use points.

  • Added ModifyDifficulty input and MissionDifficulty output to asw_gamerules.
  • Re-enabling a tech marine requirement while all tech marines are dead now fails the mission.
  • rd_weapon_generic_object’s mapper-defined name can now be a translation key.