Beta update – 2 Dec, 2023 @ 00:25 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • Spectators will now see the full length laser pointer for the marine they are spectating.
  • Using the healing ability on a medic weapon now dims the laser pointer in the same way that firing any other gun does.
  • Lobbies with no ping information now sort to the bottom of the list by ping instead of the top.
  • Fixed the Create Lobby screen not loading the saved lobby name from the previous lobby you created.
  • Fixed reservations not being properly cleaned up when a player who played a marine in the previous mission fully connects and automatically selects their marines.
  • Fixed sg-servers #2 not appearing as a ranked server (this fix has also gone out as a hotfix).
  • Custom main menu layouts can now use the commands for the top bar.

We are aware that some players are crashing, but we have not yet been able to figure out what is causing these crashes.