Beta update – 18 Nov, 2023 @ 01:33 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • X-33 Damage Amplifier: Weapons that are incompatible with this equipment no longer show an electric beam attached to them.
  • Precision Rail Rifle: Fixed a missing vscript game event when this weapon is reloaded.
  • IAF Medical Gun: Restored the unfocused beam visual effect that firing this weapon with no target produced in Alien Swarm.
  • IAF Medical Gun: Fixed targeting glow not updating in first and third person.
  • IAF Medical Amplifier Gun: Also affected by the changes to the X-33 Damage Amplifier and the IAF Medical Gun.
  • IAF Medical SMG: In first and third person, aiming at a marine while already using the alternate fire (healing) now switches the gun from self-healing to targeted healing, emulating the behavior of the other medical guns.
  • Added subtle animations to medical guns when healing.
  • Fixed screens on weapons not being extended when the weapon is equipped.
  • Added sdr_spew_level convar.
  • Fixed the lobby list only showing one friend’s name per lobby.
  • Fixed hacks being interrupted by another marine starting a hack.
  • Fixed the friendly fire server log message showing the weapon’s targetname instead of its classname.