Beta update – 18 Jul, 2024 @ 00:50 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • rd_buff_grenade_attach_sw_auto can now be set to 2 to restore the old behavior of allowing a special weapons marine to carry multiple damage amplifiers. You can still only pick one up from the ground if you are not already carrying one. Persistent damage bonuses still do not stack, so this is only useful if you want to bridge the gap between two damage amplifier durations by slightly overlapping them.
  • Fixed damage amplifier not reliably connecting to the gun of the marine carrying it.
  • Added an extra ring to the particle effects of the damage amplifier and the heal beacon to show the remaining duration. Custom particle effects can use this information from the control point 1 y coordinate, which scales from 0 on a freshly deployed beacon to 1 when the beacon expires.
  • Experimental: reduced the duration of flamer friendly fire needed on normal friendly fire to ignite a marine to match hardcore friendly fire. (0.7s to 0.2s)
  • Experimental: damage done by friendly fire afterburn damage starts low and scales up to normal over 3 seconds on normal friendly fire.