Beta update – 15 Jun, 2024 @ 05:37 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • Model 35 Pump-action Shotgun: No longer fires again when unholstered if holstered mid double blast.
  • TC79 Energy Field Generator: Greatly increased damage. Probably too much. Balancing is hard.
  • TC79 Energy Field Generator: Now overheats if fired too many times in quick succession. Overheating causes increased spread.
  • TC79 Energy Field Generator: Added alternate fire. It’s pretty fancy. Cannot holster the weapon while active.
  • TC79 Energy Field Generator: Can now holster the weapon mid-burst to magically cancel the burst fire.
  • Changed the challenge list to always show ASBI, Energy Weapons, First Person, and Third Person first.
  • Changed the text when no challenge is enabled from “Disabled” to “Default Game Rules”.
  • (These changes are intended to make it clearer to new players that challenges are not just for making the game harder.)
  • Fixed the experience bar on the main menu being completely wrong.
  • Made progress bars (skills, experience, etc.) recolorable by mods.
  • Fixed bots having no bullet spread in some cases.
  • The laser pointer now correctly ignores marines who are rolling.
  • Updated the graphical effects that occur when an object dissolves (such as when hit by a combine energy ball) to match the graphics used in Portal 2.
  • Aliens killed by dissolve damage (such as when hit by a combine energy ball) now always ragdoll.
  • Added support for $localrefract in the Refract shader.