Beta update – 14 Oct, 2023 @ 04:22 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with 6 new convars for use in challenges:

  • asw_marines_max (default 8) Maximum number of marines in a co-op mission
  • asw_marines_max_per_profile (default 1) Number of copies of each marine to allow in co-op
  • asw_marines_max_officer (default 2) Maximum number of Officer-class marines in a co-op mission
  • asw_marines_max_special_weapons (default 2) Maximum number of Special Weapons-class marines in a co-op mission
  • asw_marines_max_medic (default 2) Maximum number of Medic-class marines in a co-op mission
  • asw_marines_max_tech (default 2) Maximum number of Tech-class marines in a co-op mission