Beta update – 12 Jul, 2024 @ 01:30 UTC

The beta and releasecandidate branches have been updated with the following changes:

  • The weapon details panel in the lobby now uses the Swarmopedia data for stats.
  • Added Stopping Power and Reload Time facts to weapons in the Swarmopedia. (Known issue: Stopping Power currently has no icon in the Swarmopedia.)
  • Negative adjusted healing due to friendly fire is no longer counted by Strange Devices. (reported here)
  • Fixed weapons disallowed by a game mode sometimes being accepted if the challenge was changed after selecting them.
  • Added 11 new convars (rd_burning_*) to allow challenges to adjust how afterburn damage scales over time for various enemy types.
  • Added a new convar asw_marine_time_until_ignite_hcff (default 0.2) that determines the amount of time marines must be hit by flamer projectiles before igniting in hardcore friendly fire.