Beta update – 11 Nov, 2023 @ 19:07 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • Reduction (all missions): Added music.
  • Reduction: Inevitable Escalation: The final cutscene is now skippable. Speedrun timing ends at the start of the cutscene. Reduced the speedrun time limit by 2 minutes. (The mission timing ends 119 seconds earlier, so this is effectively a 1 second reduction in time limit.)
  • Improved the asw_gamerules MarineFinishedMission input:
    • Now accepts abstract entity names like !activator.
    • Now handles names that resolve to more than one entity.
    • Now allows marine resource entities in addition to marine entities. (To mark all marines, dead or alive, as having finished the mission, send the string asw_marine_resource as a parameter.)
    • Now affects speedrun times for the purposes of experience and achievements in addition to leaderboard times, which it already affected.
    • Now stops the client-side speedrun timer. Finishing the mission will also stop the client-side speedrun timer during the fade-out once debrief stats are received.
  • Fixed dedicated servers being shown separately from lobbies on dedicated servers on the lobby list.