Beta update – 11 Aug, 2024 @ 22:52 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • Combined emote netprops into a bitfield.
  • Fixed a case where TF2 workshop item icons would appear for manually installed challenges.
  • Added an AddTime input for asw_objective_countdown.
  • Removed cl_interp. The game will now act as if that convar was set to 0.0.
  • Added the X-33 Damage Amplifier auto-pickup as a preference, replacing cl_interp.
  • Cryo Cannon: Disabled friendly fire. Fixed the gun having a ridiculous number of magazines.
  • Fixed a crash when standing near a strange weapon dropped by a disconnected player.
  • Added support for an attachment named “laserpointer” in weapon models that replaces “muzzle” if it is present.
  • Moved camera convars to the server so challenges can override them.
  • Plasma Thrower: Implemented temporary graphics and recoil. Recoil can be modified by convars. Especially looking for feedback about the recoil.