Beta update – 9 Jun, 2024 @ 02:18 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • Added some convars to allow challenges to further adjust marine fall damage beyond enabling it with asw_marine_fall_damage: asw_alien_walk_damage, asw_alien_walk_damage_interval, asw_marine_fatal_fall_speed, asw_marine_max_safe_fall_speed, asw_marine_land_on_floating_object, asw_marine_min_bounce_speed, asw_marine_fall_punch_threshold
  • Added support for custom hacks and computer programs driven by VScript. Example:
  • Fixed flame and ice sentries not respecting PreventFiringUntil.
  • Fixed weapons dropping twice as many magazines as they should after a reload in singleplayer.