Beta update – 29 May, 2024 @ 00:03 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • The game will now retry initializing a newly obtained Strange item once before giving up, to work around a timing issue in the Steam Inventory Service API. If initialization fails the second time, the item will still work, but may display placeholders instead of zeroes.
  • Drones no longer flinch from damage over time effects. This change is intended to make it easier to read attack telegraphs. Examples:
    • Drones no longer flinch from afterburn damage.
    • Drones still flinch while standing in an officer’s firewall.
    • Drones still flinch when being hit by flamer particles.
    • Drones are still stunned by electricity.
  • Fixed a bug where damaging a drone with equipment or a holstered weapon would use the stopping power bonus of the marine’s currently equipped weapon instead of the weapon that dealt the damage.
  • Fixed a bug where a grenade box would appear at the feet of a marine with grenades equipped.