Beta update – 11 Feb, 2024 @ 18:19 UTC

The beta branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • Combine soldiers now use asw_weapon_pdw_single rather than being hard-coded to use the single PDW model and animations. The entity becomes an asw_weapon_pdw, so scripts that deal with weapons do not need to be updated to handle asw_weapon_pdw_single entities as they only exist before the weapon has fully spawned in.
  • Aliens now make AI sounds that can be heard by colonists and combine soldiers whenever they finish or loop an animation. There is no change to the player-audible sounds they make, but this now means that humanoid NPCs can notice aliens loudly approaching them from behind.
  • Added ai_goal_actbusy support to asw_colonist.
  • asw_colonist is no longer targeted by aim assist by default. There is a new keyvalue in Hammer to revert this to the previous behavior.
  • Aiming at an asw_colonist with aim assist turned off will now show the friendly fire crosshair and laser pointer.
  • The ability to USE a colonist in order to make them follow the marine now has an on-screen prompt and can be disabled in Hammer.
  • Added the ability to have asw_colonist spawn with a weapon, as well as a Hammer keyvalue to determine whether they should drop their weapon on death. Known issue: Colonists currently don’t animate most weapons correctly.