Beta update – 26 Jan, 2024 @ 05:46 UTC

The releasecandidate branch has been updated with the following changes:

  • Adjusted flags on some convars that were inadvertently included in the hotfix before they were ready:
    • cl_lagcompensation has changed from FCVAR_USERINFO|FCVAR_CHEAT to FCVAR_USERINFO|FCVAR_NOT_CONNECTED (consistent with other Source Engine games; was FCVAR_USERINFO before hotfix)
    • cl_alien_extra_interp has changed from FCVAR_CHEAT back to FCVAR_NONE
  • Fixed lag compensation for aliens tracking them as a single point in space and doing it quite badly. rd_use_full_lag_compensation 0 to revert back to previous logic.
  • Added sv_showimpacts convar; set to 1 to compare client and server hitboxes for bullet impacts. This uses a lot of bandwidth, so it should be used on a local listen server only unless you’re doing something weird on purpose.