All of the following model changes are supported by the default sentry models in the game and should gracefully degrade so mods that don’t use the new features will continue working exactly as they did before. If your mod breaks, let me know.
Sentries now have animations for building (ACT_OBJ_ASSEMBLING). The animation starts when the sentry is placed and is driven by the assembly progress. Once the animation ends, the sentry model spawns in its idle pose. If a sentry model does not support this animation, it will not appear until the sentry is fully assembled.
Sentries now have an animation for firing (ACT_OBJ_RUNNING). The Freeze and Incendiary sentry guns use a looped animation for this and the other sentries use a non-looped animation.
Sentries now have a pose parameter for the quantity of ammo remaining (ammo_remaining). The IAF High Velocity Sentry Cannon uses this to change the number of grenades visible in its drum. The ammo count changes at the end of the firing animation for sentry types with a non-looping firing animation, so during the firing animation the ammo count will be 1 higher than the number of shots remaining. Mapper-placed sentries that cannot be picked up have 999999 ammo for the purpose of this pose parameter.
Sentries now have a pose parameter (aim_pitch) for the pitch (up/down rotation) the sentry is aiming. This ranges from -45 (down) to 45 (up). Sentries that are being built have this set to -30. Disassembling a sentry quickly changes this pose parameter to -90 if the sentry is not aiming at a target while being disassembled.
Sentries now have a pose parameter (aim_yaw) for the yaw (left/right rotation) of the sentry’s targeting camera. This ranges from -120 (right) to 120 (left) and changes much more quickly than the sentry’s actual rotation speed.
Fixed the fast targeting modifier for the IAF Incendiary Sentry Gun and the IAF Freeze Sentry Gun being applied improperly and not having any effect. (These two types of sentry now turn 3x faster when targeting an enemy.)
The IAF High Velocity Sentry Cannon now uses a simple velocity-based leading algorithm for its targets, which should make it more likely to hit targets moving across its field of view.
The IAF Advanced Sentry Gun and IAF Incendiary Sentry Gun now wait until they are done shooting before returning to neutral aim.
Fixed the IAF Incendiary Sentry Gun and the IAF Freeze Sentry Gun not updating their scan effects.
Fixed the pilot light for the IAF Incendiary Sentry Gun not appearing.
(These changes will be released as a game update in a few days, and are currently on the beta and releasecandidate branches.)