Beta update – 13 Aug, 2022 @ 01:37 UTC

  • Updated Italian translation.
  • Updated Japanese translation.

  • Added information about addon file name conflicts to the Addons screen. For a detailed list, click on a red addon name after you have selected it.

  • Added a new entity, rd_briefing_camera, to show part of the level as the background for briefing. Mappers should try to keep large motions to a minimum (eg. avoid parenting rd_briefing_camera or having it point at a rotating projected texture) as this version of the briefing background cannot be affected by rd_reduce_motion.
  • Added a field to asw_gamerules for setting the briefing background movie filename. If empty, the game will choose randomly from the four default movies. This random choice is now synchronized between clients.
  • The game will automatically extract BIK files from VPK addons if needed.