Tactical, 8 player co-op action game with a top-down perspective
Beta update – 22 May, 2022 @ 08:14 UTC
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The beta has been updated with the additional changes:
Fixed eggs being less gooey than intended.
Added a MissionChooser VScript object. See below for details.
MissionChooser VScript object
This new global object provides access to 12 functions in this release:
int CountChallenges() – Returns the number of installed challenges.
int CountCampaigns() – Returns the number of installed campaigns.
int CountMissions() – Returns the number of installed missions.
ChallengeDataTable GetChallenge(int index) – Creates a table containing challenge data for a challenge by index.
ChallengeDataTable GetChallengeByName(string name) – Creates a table containing challenge data for a challenge by name.
ChallengeDataTable GetCurrentChallenge() – Creates a table containing challenge data for a the current challenge.
CampaignDataTable GetCampaign(int index) – Creates a table containing campaign data for a campaign by index.
CampaignDataTable GetCampaignByName(string name) – Creates a table containing campaign data for a campaign by name.
CampaignDataTable GetCurrentCampaign() – Creates a table containing campaign data for the current campaign.
MissionDataTable GetMission(int index) – Creates a table containing mission overview data for a mission by index.
MissionDataTable GetMissionByName(string name) – Creates a table containing mission overview data for a mission by name.
MissionDataTable GetCurrentMission() – Creates a table containing mission overview data for the current mission.
This is a table containing the following fields:
string id – the filename of this challenge, without the .txt extension.
string workshop – the workshop item ID for the addon that provides this challenge, as a decimal string.
boolean has_script – true if the file scripts/vscripts/challenge_id.nut exists, otherwise false.
string name – the display name of this challenge – may be a translation key.
string icon – the material name for this challenge’s icon.
string description – the description for this challenge – may be a translation key.
string author – the author of this challenge.
table convars – convars this challenge forces; field names vary by challenge, all field values are strings.
This is a table containing the following fields:
string id – the filename of this campaign, without the .txt extension.
string workshop – the workshop item ID for the addon that provides this campaign, as a decimal string.
string name – the display name of this campaign – may be a translation key.
string description – the description for this campaign – may be a translation key.
string credits – the file path of this campaign’s credits file, without the .txt extension.
string icon – the material name for this campaign’s icon.
string material – the material name for this campaign’s map (base layer).
string material1 – the material name for this campaign’s map (lowest overlay layer).
string material2 – the material name for this campaign’s map (middle overlay layer).
string material3 – the material name for this campaign’s map (highest overlay layer).
int x – the position of this campaign on the galactic map – not currently used anywhere ingame.
int y – the position of this campaign on the galactic map – not currently used anywhere ingame.
int search_light_x_1, search_light_x_2, search_light_x_3, search_light_x_4
int search_light_y_1, search_light_y_2, search_light_y_3, search_light_y_4
int search_light_angle_1, search_light_angle_2, search_light_angle_3, search_light_angle_4
array missions – array of CampaignMissionDataTable. the first entry in the array is the dummy mission.
array tags – array of string. no tags are currently used by the game for campaigns.
This is a table containing the following fields:
int index – the position of this object in the missions array.
string map – the map name for this mission, without the .bsp extension.
string name – the display name of this mission – may be a translation key.
string location_description – the location description for this mission – may be a translation key. location descriptions appear on the campaign transition screen as tooltips on missions.
string short_briefing – the short briefing for this mission – may be a translation key. short briefings are shown on the campaign transition screen.
string threat_string – the threat string for this mission – not currently used anywhere ingame.
int x – the position of this mission on the campaign map.
int y – the position of this mission on the campaign map.
int difficulty_modifier – the difficulty modifier for this mission. see the developer site[developer.reactivedrop.com] for an explanation of what this does.
boolean always_visible – whether the mission is visible before it is reached.
boolean needs_more_than_one_marine – whether this mission requires at least two marines to play.
array links – array of int. the indices of the missions this mission links to on the campaign map.
This is a table containing the following fields:
string id – the filename of this mission, without the .txt extension.
string workshop – the workshop item ID for the addon that provides this mission, as a decimal string.
int pos_x – the X offset of the mission overview map.
int pos_y – the Y offset of the mission overview map.
float scale – the scale factor of the mission overview map.
string name – the display name of this mission – may be a translation key.
string description – the description for this mission – may be a translation key.
string icon – the material name for this mission’s icon.
string credits – the file path of this mission’s credits file, without the .txt extension. for missions in a campaign, use the campaign’s credits file instead.
string material – the material name for this mission’s map (minimap).
string briefing_material – the material name for this mission’s map (during briefing).
string author – the author of this mission.
string website – the website for this mission.
string version – the version number of this mission.
array vertical_sections – array of MissionVerticalSectionTable.
array tags – array of string. see previous posts for a list of mission tags added in this update.
This is a table containing the following fields:
string material – the material name for this mission’s map (minimap).
float altitude_min – the minimum coordinate for the marines’ feet for this to be shown.
float altitude_max – the maximum coordinate for the marines’ feet for this to be shown.
This new global object provides access to 12 functions in this release:
This is a table containing the following fields:
This is a table containing the following fields:
This is a table containing the following fields:
This is a table containing the following fields:
This is a table containing the following fields: