Update – February 1, 2022

This update improves startup performance for players who are subscribed to a large number of Workshop addons, as well as:


  • Doubled the amount that the Damage Bonus skill affects the AVK-36 Marksman Rifle from 10 to 20 per point.
  • Fixed gas grenades not recording Steam stats.
  • Added stat recording for the IAF Medical SMG’s secondary fire.
  • Marines can place sentries on moving objects as long as the feet of the sentry are all located on the same object and the object is not physics-based.


  • Medic bots will only attempt to heal targets within 512 hammer units (32 feet) of their current position to avoid running a long distance while the squad is split.
  • Added a cvar (rd_bot_melee) to allow marine bots to melee attack when out of ammo or when being mobbed by aliens. Disabled by default to match previous behavior.
  • Fixed bots not being able to use the primary fire of the IAF Medical SMG.
  • Fixed keybindings not being shown on the HUD for some extra weapons held by bots in multiplayer.


  • Right-clicking on a wire hack tile will turn it in the opposite direction.
  • Added a cvar (rd_wire_tile_alternate) to adjust what right click does in wire hacks.
  • Added an animation to wire hack actuators charging up.
  • Added a cvar (rd_wire_tile_charge) to disable the new animation.


  • Added asw_weapon_healamp_gun and asw_weapon_medrifle to Hammer.
  • Sentry tops can be attached to a rotating parent and will update their angles correctly.
  • Remote turret can be attached to a rotating parent and has a Parent Name field in Hammer.
  • Added rd_debug_sentry_placement cvar to visualize the sentry placement traces.
  • Sentries now use the ai_relationship system when determining what they can shoot at.
  • Added an input to asw_env_shake to only target one marine.
  • Fixed SetTonemapRate not working in multiplayer.


  • Reduced memory usage for large Workshop preview images.
  • Fixed lack of controller focus on the Create Lobby screen.
  • Enabled the new prediction strategy by default.
  • Fixed a puddle at the start of Timor Station using the sewer water material.
  • Added EntityOutputs.GetValue VScript function (can be used to read math_counter OutValue).